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femmes en couleur

I've come to her to appreciate, to explore, to fear no judgement, to fear no pain. I've listened to her voice to find my inner self. I've come in awe with myself. I've come in absolute solace with myself. Abolished the old and let go of the fear. I wrote her words as my own serenade. What's destiny? I've carried her too long to forger her name, and whisper sweet words in the cavities of her face.

As skin color is a subject for debate, discrimination, and discussion, "Femmes en couleur" display images in black and white while focusing with color on the most aspect of a female face; the lips. Faces are reduced to shapes to show contrast, and in the abstraction, the figurative elements blend in with the abstract textures. The painting is a celebration of women of all colors and shapes.

Oil on linen canvas, 120 x 80 cm.

© 2023 by Chloë Nuñez Garcia. 

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